Why Rent a Hot Water Tank? 3 Major Reasons to Know!

Are you having trouble deciding whether to buy or rent your next hot water tank in order to save money and maximize efficiency? Today, we'll look at the reasons for renting over buying, so you can make the best decision for you and your family's lifestyle. With 3 different reasons, your can make your decision hassle-free. Annual Cost When making a purchasing decision or hot water tank rental Ottawa , price is an important consideration. The average cost of buying and installing a new hot water tank is between $1000 and $1200. Ouch. This figure does not include support and repair fees, which can range from $100 to $200 per service. If your bought water heater leaks, you may need to call a professional to come in and replace your water heater. When the plumber arrives, you could be looking at a bill ranging from $100 to $400, depending on the duration and severity of the problem. When you consider hot water tank rental Ottawa instead of purchasing one, you agree to a yearly fixed...